TV GUARDIAN is a foul language filter that works for your VCR, DVD player, and even regular TV.  You can even get VHS and DVD players with the Guardian built in.  The way it works is the TV Guardian reads the closed captioning and when it cuts the language it either replaces the word with a better one and puts it at the bottom, or goes silent for a moment.   The TV GUARDIAN has been amazing for my family and many others that I know.  There are so many great movies out there that contain bad language.  This opens the door for some more movies to see without the constant word here or there.  It even sometimes cuts out slang you might not want your kids to hear or use.  You can control the settings which are 1. Tolerant, 2. Moderate, and 3. Strict.  You can control if you want to turn off or on sexual references, religious references, etc...  This is an AMAZING machine.  And at Wal*Mart you can get it pretty cheap!  Don't get it at a Christian store.  For some odd reason, its always more expensive there.  That is the one place you'd think it be cheapest, but its usually not.  I'm sure you can find them other places, but I know for sure Wal*Mart carries it.  Here is a link below to the TV GUARDIAN site:

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